MPAQ/MPANZ Welcomes $10,000 Apprentice Incentive But Urges Government To Prioritise Employer Support
Master Plumbers' Association of Queensland (MPAQ), as part of Master Plumbers Australia/New Zealand (MPANZ), has welcomed the Albanese government’s recent announcement of a $10,000 financial incentive for apprentices in essential trades, introduced as part of its broader Building Australia plan.
While applauding this initiative, MPANZ emphasized the need for additional measures to support businesses to take on apprentice, particularly through increased cash incentives and favourable tax policies for employers.
The Government has extended existing employer incentives until the end of 2025 to allow for further consultation.
MPANZ spokesperson Nathaniel Smith said that the industry was cautiously optimistic about the announcement but there remains a pressing need for better government assistance to enable plumbing businesses to develop the next generation of plumbers.
“Meeting targets for building homes, critical public infrastructure and the energy transition requires us to grow the plumbing workforce. The only way to do this is to encourage more people into apprenticeships and assist businesses with the cost of employing apprentices,” Mr Smith said.
“We know that employer incentives work in our industry. The vast majority of plumbing apprentices already complete their study as this is a requirement to work as a plumber, so while the Government’s focus on completions is welcome, it’s not enough. What we need is more employers to put on a plumbing apprentice directly, or to source one through a group training organisation (GTO). But the cost of doing so in the current environment can be prohibitive, especially for SMEs and that’s where government funded incentives come in. They assist businesses to employ and for the apprentice to stay the journey with the employer,” he said.
“We look forward to working with Government over the coming months as it consults on its full response to the report recommendations, but there needs to be more of a sense of urgency,” Mr Smith said. “Apprenticeship incentives alone won’t solve the problem. We need is a systemic approach—strengthening support for employers and ensuring apprentices have the tools to succeed. This is how we can build the skilled workforce Australia needs to meet its housing and infrastructure goals."
MPANZ notes the promise from Government to consult fully with industry as it addresses issues highlighted in the Ross report, but is disappointed that the Government’s response in relation to employer assistance is essentially just a ‘plan to develop a plan’.
“A plumbing apprenticeship is four years’ duration so there is a critical need to act now, not push it another six months before employers have certainty,” he said.
“The bottom line is that better employer incentives and tax treatments are vital to securing the next generation of skilled tradies, driving economic growth, supporting local communities, and addressing the nation’s housing crisis.”
MPANZ, through its constituent Master Plumber associations in every Australian State and Territory and New Zealand, represents more than 30,000 plumbing businesses from sole operators to Australasia’s largest plumbing contractors. These businesses install, service and maintain domestic and commercial gas, water reticulation and irrigation systems, heating and cooling, mechanical services and air conditioning systems, sanitary disposal, drainage, metal roofing, and a range of other plumbing services which are critical to building and maintaining Australia’s homes, public infrastructure and commercial properties.
MPANZ constituent associations also provide training services through Registered Training Organisations, directly training more than 2,600 apprentices and plumbers per year in Australia, and partner closely with public TAFE providers. Group Training Organisations run by MPANZ constituents also directly employ hundreds of plumbing apprentices across Australia and New Zealand.
For media inquiries, please contact: Nathaniel Smith on 0410 696 007 or